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[ac-i] FW: Undangan Resital Piano Cicilia Yudha


Tembi Rumah Budaya, Art+ Foundation, Goethe-Institut, Karta Pustaka mengundang Anda pada:


Resital Piano oleh Cicilia Yudha


 membawakan karya Franz Liszt dan Henri Dutilleux

 Jumat, 27 Mei 2011, pukul 19.30

 Di Tembi Rumah Budaya

Jl. Parangtritis Km 8,4, Tembi, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul



About Cicilia Yudha

Indonesian pianist Cicilia Yudha made her debut with the Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall in 2003. In recognition of her musicianship and artistic personality, the Vienna International Piano Academy in Austria awarded Ms. Yudha the "Rosario Marciano Prize" and sponsored her solo recital in Vienna. She has also given performances around the world, including various cities in the U.S.A., Canada, France, Germany, and Indonesia.

Ms. Yudha began to play the piano with her mother at the age of three and joined the Music Course for Kids. Passionate in music education and community service, Ms. Yudha has served as a piano faculty at the New England Conservatory Secondary Piano Department, NEC Preparatory School, and the Cleveland Institute of Music Piano Preparatory Department, and she has served as a staff accompanist for the Boston Children's Chorus.

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